Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

Stress is the modern descendent of our prehistoric life-or-death survival response.

Today it has evolved to lock global civilization into barbaric survival-based behaviors of genocide, surveillance, wars, corruption, and new weaponry – all to control and enslave.

For countless millennia, some hyper-ambitious humans have cleverly and cruelly used fear to stop humans from understanding how to operate prosperously with Nature to fully enjoy the magnificence of life in Earth’s biosphere in the interactive energy-based reality that we share. These dysfunctional humans now maintain their dominance with fear-based manipulations simply by keeping We the People stuck in ever-changing forms of stress-related survival.

Based on my book, ENERGY JOY – THE STRESS FIX, I want to clearly describe what stress really is, how stress actually works, why it is imperative that we “fix” stress, and how easy it can be to accomplish this grand evolutionary elevation from survival, which I call “THE UPLIFTING”.

As a species-level do-or-die challenge, the ancient survival response we call “stress” now produces disease at all brain levels as a powerful health-destroying package that directly pollutes reality itself. Here are the basics of how dysfunctional is this once life-saving response.

How Does Stress Work?

The brain stem’s survival physiology of fight/flight triggers our body’s stress factory, the hypothalamus/pituitary/adrenal glands axis or HPA-axis, to release stress hormones that now cause up to 80% of primary care doctor visits and 50% of absenteeism in industry. When we know how to quickly turn off the chain reaction of its non-stop HPA-axis survival physiology, stress damage stops.

Like pain is a signal, stress signals the discomforts we call stress, telling us that our body is in a dangerous disease-growing mode of developing discomfort into symptoms and illness.

In the brain’s limbic system, fight/flight becomes survival’s primal emotions of anger and fear causing their derivatives of panic, anxiety, envy, frustration, and rage.

Cerebellum-level survival physiology begets unhealthy mental activities of chronic worrying, problems, doubts, and catastrophizing that lead to depression, despair, and suicide – all epidemics in today’s global mental health crisis. Cerebral cortex level survival physiology imprisons our top motivation into “avoiding danger,” which results in the forever “us-against-them” mentality underlying bigotry, conquests, wars, and genocides.

However, the worst danger of this life, health, environment, and civilization-ruining survival package is its enormously potent energetic impact. Our further evolution and continued survival as a species now depend upon our maturing enough to comprehend the nature of our shared reality.

Keeping in mind that “everything is energy”, our Biosphere is a reality-creating medium that is interactive.

Humans are uniquely a frequency-transmitting and frequency-receiving species. It is time we learn to operate energetically as a species. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows that each cell, gland, and organ within our body has its own electromagnetic field. Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) show the larger coherent electromagnetic field of our entire body. Ancient Chinese, Aryuvedic, and Hebrew traditions have identified numerous energy systems in the body – acupuncture meridians, chakras, and nadis, sefirot respectively. Each has developed methods for operating this energy to improve health and consciousness.

Western medicine utilizes the measurable electrical activities of our brain, spinal column, muscles and heart, which are constantly emitting frequencies, to evaluate healthy functioning. Newer understanding of health’s basic foundation points to the importance of the electron transfer chain of our mitochondria, which are our body’s energy-production factories in our cells. It’s energy all the way down!

A primary process we need to include is that quantum physics has proven our focus directs energy which transmits outside the body. Our focused thoughts and intentions, fueled by the energetic power of our primary emotions, direct energy as the encoded content we are constantly communicating to this energetic matrix.

Our living Biosphere somehow receives our broadcasts as what we are telling “it” that we want “it” to create into our reality.

And “it” responds accordingly. Prayer, ceremonies, affirmations, goal-setting and wishful thinking are activities designed to operate within this interactive nature of our reality.

All true religions, spiritual paths and wisdom traditions have tried to teach people how to best interact with this “Being” that is reality itself by whatever name. All false teachings and tyrants have done their best to prevent people from understanding, recognizing and utilizing this, our ultimate power.

The danger is that staying stuck in survival, our entire species is powerfully broadcasting survival-based messages to the quantum field or energy matrix of our biosphere. These messages result in our continuously creating and sustaining a deteriorating reality devoid of evolutionary possibilities.

It’s evolution time!

This means it is now time for humans to evolve beyond the quagmire of basic survival and uplift life by using our physiology and focusing abilities to interact with the energetic matrix of our Biosphere to create a new, healthier, more joyous and prosperous reality.

How do we move out of survival? Simply… we fix stress!

We accomplish this by learning how to operate our body, mind and energy to transform the stresses of survival into the UPLIFTING.

The Uplifting is the missing healthy better half of stress

Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

The UPLIFTING fixes stress and elevates humanity from survival’s destructive values by activating our dormant evolutionary physiology to grow health, joy and prosperity with ‘Biological Intelligence’ into our energy-based biosphere.

When we more fully understand that “everything is energy”, a critical number of people can likely dissolve the current survival-based structures of our civilization simply by removing our focus, which has been tricked into supplying the energy that has continuously sustained those institutions.

Theoretically, by re-directing the combined energy of our focus into creating and growing a more prosperous, healthy and joyous reality, we can quite quickly transform life on Earth, because its foundation is all energy.

It has taken me only 40 years to connect these dots of reality that integrate the coded energy instructions of ancient wisdom traditions into stress physiology, psychology and quantum biology – and then to make it all easy to do.

Energy Joy – The Stress Fix

My book, ENERGY JOY – THE STRESS FIX, describes how to do this monumental shift simply through a “Body, Mind, Energy Education”, like physical education, which can be swiftly taught in schools K-12, colleges and organizations.

My fictional sci-fi thriller, Thieves of Eden, intends to present this as motion picture entertainment for people to join the quest to “save reality”.

The practical stress-transforming content for the UPLIFTING includes three health “Treasures”. Together these lifelong skills provide today’s essential foundation for health.

Treasure #1 for body/mind health is “Dynamic Calm”

This teaches how to de- activate the dangerous HPA-axis stress chain reactions of flight/flight survival before any stress damage can develop into symptoms, illness and diseases. People learn how to feel calm, dissolve anxiety, de-stress and focus fully in the present – all within six seconds flat. Given the massive destruction of stress, I believe this is today’s #1 health ability.

By rapidly restoring optimal health to the four major body systems that generate all stress symptoms, stress damage to health and well-being is virtually eliminated. The out-dated, ineffective concept of merely “managing” stress is forever debunked. With physiological precision these same Dynamic Calm skills that fix stress also efficiently establish us in the prized body/mind state of meditation within six seconds, saving time no longer needed to attain “mindfulness”. Our body/mind becomes hugely more receptive to the realm of perceptions we call creativity, insight, guidance, innovation, wisdom and brilliant solutions. The advantageous ability to access this realm of what is called our “Big Mind” is our evolutionary vehicle.

Dynamic Calm also puts the body into the coveted state of “rest” which doctors prescribe for nearly all ailments because of its energy-conserving, energy-recharging tissue repair and rejuvenation. This health treasure is “dynamic” because anyone can do it while walking, driving, working or computing within six seconds.

Treasure #2 is “Genius Focus” for mind/immune health

A healthy mind is our human birthright and is essential for successful human evolution to grow its top goals of health, joy and prosperity. Genius Focus establishes the motivational direction of the UPLIFTING in the cerebral cortex. As the highest neurological level of brain organization, the cerebral cortex then directs the downstream levels of cerebellum, limbic and brain stem to sustain the body’s healthier UPLIFTING neurological physiology of “feed and breed” over that of survival’s “fight and flight”. Genius Focus applies principles of psychoneuroimmunology to use the mind to boost immune strength.

People can then stop triggering anxiety, stress and depression with the mental activities of survival. Most importantly, they also cease transmitting the messages of survival into the Biosphere’s matrix, and replace those with healthier intentions to be manifested into reality.

Genius Focus on the Six Levels of Being Human

Given today’s global mental health crisis, it is now possible and valuable for all people to learn how to operate their own mind in the ways that the most incredible humans have always done to create their brilliant inventions, discoveries, breakthrough solutions and artistic masterpieces which have contributed greatly to human civilization.

Genius Focus enables people to have the enjoyable qualities of a healthy mind and to apply these attributes to the six main levels of being human.

  1. Self-esteem: The psychological prize from discovering the source of our true self-respect, self-confidence & self-love.
  2. Internal dialogue: How to uplift our self-talk which determines virtually everything about our reality plus our emotional and mental health.
  3. Communication patterns: How we can create mutually positive interactions with others.
  4. Immune strength: How our mental activities, neurotransmitters and immune system are interconnected via psychoneuroimmunology.
  5. Our “Big Mind”: How to access the source of our creativity, intuition, innovation and brilliant solutions now needed for uplifting life on Earth.
  6. Manifesting: How, as energy transmitters and receivers, we can more powerfully manifest only what we most value in our lives.

Treasure #3 is “Energy Joy” for energy health

The ability to beneficially influence our reality as more advanced human beings – by understanding how to operate effectively in our energy-based Biosphere – has always been THE primary, original teaching of every true religion, every authentic spiritual path and every genuine wisdom tradition.

This is now essential for humans to master.

As a wonderfully benevolent evolutionary guidance system, when we replace survival’s adrenal gland biological energy with joy’s higher biological frequencies, we get to feel energizing joy whenever we want!

Human’s Energy Joy Engine

This fulfills ancient teachings of all genuine religious/spiritual/wisdom traditions to “open your heart”, which refers to the energy level of our physical heart organ. I call this our “Energy Joy engine” because it is the higher energy source that ultimately activates our dormant evolutionary physiology and powerfully fuels the best of intentional manifesting into tangible reality.

Quantum biology now describes this central upper chest area as the magnetic center of our electromagnetic energy field. I believe this magnetic aspect is the medium by which our trillions of cells can communicate simultaneously. Cellular signaling or ‘signal transduction’ refers to the foundational level by which the body’s operating information is continuously promulgated. Nourishing this magnetic center is the key to gaining new levels of optimal health, which is distorted in “diseases of miscommunication” like cancer and auto-immune conditions.

In addition to giving us the ability to feel the prized emotion of joy whenever we want, the Energy Joy engine opens our heart to radiate joy’s higher frequencies into our body, into our electromagnetic field and into the environment around us.

A secret of wisdom traditions is recognizing the true power of joy as energy.

Joy is quite likely the energy of health, which makes it also a manifestation of the energy of life. This life force has a dimension of unique DNA which literally creates life and directs life of all kinds to grow, blossom and prosper most magnificently. Not a code of instructions like our genetic material, this highest level of DNA, because of its continuously creative adaptability, must include the actual living, conscious mind of the Creator of the energy of life. This higher, benevolent consciousness is what humans are capable of infusing into the physicality of our Biosphere with Energy Joy.

As humans, we are uniquely endowed with the ability to generate this most phenomenal fertilizer of biological life to greatly nourish the physicality of our Biosphere by “opening our heart”. I believe this is our greatest, most urgent human responsibility and our greatest contribution to make. Other species will then trust us and invite us into the community of living organisms instead of shunning us and needing to eliminate us as destroyers of their habitats.

When enough of us radiate the higher frequencies of Energy Joy into the fabric of our Biosphere to surpass a tipping point, then entirely unknown levels of UPLIFTING will

blossom, giving us the most amazing adventure of this 13 billion year Creation we are part of.

The three Treasures of Dynamic Calm, Genius Focus and Energy Joy help accomplish this simply by fixing stress and generating energizing joy to activate its healthy better half: UPLIFTING.